Happy Birthday, Grin!

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This will be a great day.

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, grin! :slight_smile:

Welcome to this world!

Eh, I think allot of poeple are going to be quite busy with bullshit and not allot to show for it for a few months, a solidly below average day.

The ecosystem starts today, I will be setting up systems, and starting to collect data, miners will be debugging and panicking, andwhile a few dev will likely take a break I feel a few of them will be running around giving advice for the miners and exchanges.

Happy Grin-Day everyone! :smiley:

Happy genesis block… soon ™ :wink:

It’s more like sweet sixteen, quincieniera or the day grin loses its virginity. It was born oct 20, 2016.

and jan 15 will alwayr belong to bitcoin won’t it?

Happy birthday little Grin,
may you grow and make us fond,
cut through bullshit, brummagem,
fluff in time and rest aplomb.

Happy birthday and congratulations from CoinGecko! Excited to see the birth of genesis block and what’s next to come :smile:

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