Grin++ (mobile) - Progress update thread by @davidtavarez

Ready for another update??? grab a :tea: or a :coffee: because this one isn’t that exciting as my previous one :stuck_out_tongue:

  • The Restore Wallet issue was fixed, now users can properly Create and/or Restore wallets.
  • A button to Delete a wallet was added [having too many testing wallets was driving me crazy].
  • Users can now Backup their wallets [I believe that we should export an encrypted binary, I will probably dig about it].
  • A big bug with the Fingerprint on Android 9 was fixed [thanks @Mokhtar for the help testing the buggy apk] .
  • A bunch of small bugs were fixed [thanks again to @Mokhtar for the help testing the buggy apk] .
  • Before sending, the user should (if the Fingerprint is available) use the Fingerprint to confirm the Sending request.
  • The Node starts faster now since Tor is controlled by the Service.
  • The Node Agent was changed to: Grin++ (Android).

Now, there are 2 major new improvements:

  • The node is now running as a Service, this means that the allocated resources for the app are used to improve the UI interaction with the user. The app should feel light and smooth while the Operative System does the management of the Node and Tor processes.

  • 3 Actions were added to the Notification Bar:

    1. Restart: the user could restart the node manually in case that is needed.
    2. (Re)synchronize: pretty explicit, right? but if someone does not get it: this will synchronize the chain again.
    3. STOP: Isn’t it obvious? this will close the node and also, stop the Service.

Stay tuned! Grin++ for Android will be available this week! :rocket: