Grin Marketing - 7 things to love about Grin

What proportion of potterists currently know of the existence of Grin do you think?

To them, it would be a bit like a meme coin.

For instance I’ve been researching different projects for quite some time now. Pretty much constantly for the last month… Missus has taken no notice. Soon as I mentioned RavenCoin though she became a crypto fanatic who simply had to have it. Was pleasantly surprised to find it was a good project on the whole, though their wallet is crap ( she couldn’t possibly have a wallet which didn’t have a Raven on it, but which works, you see).

I think hardly anyone… So yes, you definitely have a point that there is a huge potential market there of people who might like Grin. Not only for the Harry Potter meme, but I think in spirit there is some similarity to the way potterists think and Grin enthusiast thinks. So yes, this is an interesting new angle you bring to the marketing, definitely worth exploring since it did wonders for Ravencoin. Since many potter fans are intellectual, I think that quite a few might stay with Grin once they transcend beyond the Harry Potter ,eme association to become true grinners.

=> Maybe we should hand out Grin airdrops at the next Harry Potter Movie premier (not sure if there will be any more), just to expose some of these people to Grin and maybe even get Grin on the news. I for one am willing to donate to such noble cause :wink: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

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Intellectuals tend to know that a male witch is a warlock…

But pisstaking aside anyone know of a potterist forum or whatnot? Should be easy to sell in such places.

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I guess Harry Potter Redit might be a start.

Not sure about the format and timing though.
It would be best to introduce them in the right way, or you get a bunch of people calling Grin a shitcoin even though it is one of the best projects in the whole crypto space.

Holy crap you potterist types get about…

Is pretending to be a muggle some sort of modern mating ritual or something?

Anyone who understands the lingo would be well advised to raise awareness of Grin on these forums and whatnot.

I doubt these people will be using such language till they’ve graduated from Primary school.

Still, my attempt.

Just a teaser, nowt technical.

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Expelliarmus!..Moderator removed the post :smiley: