Grim - cross-platform GUI for Grin

Did you come from the past?)

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just curious as my Pentium 4 is still running well.

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Per the site, Grim aims for “maximum compatibility with original Mimblewimble implementation”.

Are Grim coders maintaining an additional revision of the rust node and rust wallet vs. installing and using the reference implementations that exists and then interacting with them via API?

I ask because I just installed Grim on a kubuntu VM and it offered to start a node (I already have a rust grin node running on that VM). I do see how to point Grim to the existing node but does the Grim install include an entire additional instance of a Grim node code vs. installing the standard grin node? Likewise, I already have the rust CLI wallet installed and running on that VM. I kinda expected that Grim was a front-end for the reference Rust wallet and would interact with it via the API. Did installing Grim actually install another Rust node and wallet all together? Assuming yes, what is meant by “maximum compatibility with original grin implementation”.

Thanks to ardocrat for this awesome contribution. It’s awesome either way, my question is just aimed at getting a better understanding what I just installed.

  • Thanks.
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@CircusDad Grim allows to either run a new dedicated rust node included in grim or connect to an existing one either locally or remotely . For example by connecting to the remote API I have not tested it, but I think you can replace that with your own already installed grin rust node by clicking the + button for setting up a new node, entering http://localhost:3413 as address and linking to the API secret.

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@Anynomous, you are absolutely correct that I am able to point Grim to an existing node (locally or remotely). I was more curious about the Grim node. For instance, which of the following is true:

  1. If you ask Grim to start it’s own node it starts an instance of the reference rust grin node that it installed, from the core rust repo (


  1. If you ask Grim to start it’s own node it starts an instance of a custom grin node, the code of which is managed and maintained by grim

Does anyone know? (same question applies to the wallet).

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1 is true. It uses rust grin node api

@bruges Thanks. That answers the question I was asking… (and it’s the answer I was hoping for too). I will assume it is the same for the wallet. Grim did not create a ~/.grin directory which made me suspect it might be something different. I am glad they are leveraging the existing work.


it’s under ~/.grim

Will be customized:


lol, ram amount is small, so I am not sure

yes, it uses grin crates:


Thanks. And thanks for all you have done to make this happen.

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