That is correct for utilizing GRIN as payment. Despite the fact that we used the BTC payment concept, I don’t see any potential bounty hunters or new devs stayed with us.
This is your personal opinion, but I can’t think of another example of other projects, who refuses to spend its own coin for the project.
It is the same as Bitcoin’s emission schedule, and GRIN’s inflation is 3k $ daily worth, which is really small in comparison to many projects.
Then they’ll go anonymous and figure out what to do. We won’t deal with a lawyer or expert for a developer who isn’t skilled enough to use GRIN. GRIN sole purpose is ‘’ Transactions for all’’
I’m not attacking you; rather, I’m responding to your points. I am the last person in this forum who desires drama. If you want to discuss inflation, I’ll DM you on keybase and prove it.
My last comment ‘’ GRIN should be used as payment in bounties’’