Docker image for grin miner

Hey, has anyone created a docker image for grin miner so far? Before mainnet I thought it would be great to have a seamless solution to quickly setup a new rig. Fi nobody has created one so far I’d try to get my hands on it next week.

@bladedoyle has a mining pool running on kubernetes, he might have containerized his miners

I created for this and other purposes, it is still a work in progress. I would welcome help. I have a bunch of uncommitted changes right now with everything going on with floonet a lot is in flux

Hi, interesting running a miner in a docker - what would you like help with? Also a question: Is running in docker competative enough against nodes running with gpus or multicore highend machines :thinking:

You would still have to mount the gpu as a device in the container in order to mine efficiently. So the only benefit is that a docker image prepackages all the necessary software that needs to be in place in order to run the miner.

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Thank you so much. That’s what I was looking for.