Cyberpunk / Dystopian world

Every day we commit actions whose unpredictable consequences can have (and have) a global scale. Since 1970, the number of people on this planet has doubled; the natural world, until recently, surrounding humanity, is becoming a rarity. We are not able to get rid of things that seem wrong to us. As a society, we are not even able to get rid of such obviously superfluous things like heroin and the hydrogen bomb. As a culture, we love to play with fire, simply because we like it; and if money can be made on anything, then nothing will hold us back. The revived corpses a la Mary Shelley do not scare us; something similar happens every day in intensive care units. The human thought itself, enclosed in software, becomes a replicable product. Even the contents of the human brain are not sacred; on the contrary, the human brain is the subject of numerous scientific developments. No one pays attention to the spiritual aspect. Under such circumstances, the idea that Human Nature should dominate the Great Machine is simply stupid. This may seem strange to the uninitiated. Take, for example, a laboratory rat in whose brain electrodes are implanted. How do you look if she begins to passionately preach that, in the end, Rodent Nature will triumph? Almost everything we do with rats can be done with humans. And we can do a lot with rats. This is not easy to think about, but it is true. She will not disappear if we close our eyes


You should read the book Dune by Frank Herbert right now - it’s exactly where you’re at in your thought process


I’ve read every book by Frank Herbert and I didn’t get the dune reference at all?

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I love to read, but I don’t have much time, gentlemen… stopped on page 126

At the same time I read the “Tree of Man” Patrick White… what is interesting is the gap in time in these works and what contrast you experience when moving from one book to another

From myself I recommend:

  • Gustave Le Bon, The Psychology of Peoples and The Crowd
  • Theodore Dreiser, The Trilogy of Desire (The Financier)
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I was meaning more the distrust the Dune world has of technology and social programming. He didn’t allude or reference Dune at all. I had just read it when I saw his comment.