Could grin 'borrow' UX elements from Beam?

@david, I was not referring to the grin++ wallet, but if you want some improvement suggestions here there are:

1: create wallet / restore wallet suggestions:

1.1: rename it to: Create New Wallet or Create my Wallet / Create Grin Wallet
1.2: Restore wallet seed: Restore wallet from seed / Restore from seed

2: Create Wallet ( username/password/confirm password/seed ) suggestions:

2.1: rename it to: Your Username / Your Grin username / Wallet Name ( etc ) My wallet
2.2: password: Password* add a * at the bottom with: Please remember this password. If you lose your password, everything will be gone/lost. ( just an idea )
2.3: Seed: Your wallet seed length / Wallet Seed ( recovery seed length ) Private wallet seed.
2.4: use a default seed of 12 instead of 24

3: layout spendable/logged in

3.1: the v1.0.0-alpha4 looked way cleaner then the current version. Here some improvement suggestions:
3.2: Spendable: Grin Balance / Your Grin balance

This is maybe the most common thing people are mentioning: I can’t find my grin address:

3.3: rename: Receive: My grin wallet address / Your Grin address /
3.4: explain better why there is in the wallet address, people just don’t understand that.

3.5: The same voor receive… what do you mean with that? That is how people think. We know, but they don’t. Make it easier for new people to understand.
3.6 The same for finalize… make it more understandable.
3.7: The same for slatepack

Anyway these are just suggestions, daily issues. What is logical for us is not logical for a lot of people.

Explain it where? I appreciate your suggestions for renaming, but when it gets to the most crucial UX problems (3.4-3.7), you say little more than “This is confusing, make it less confusing.” I would like to know how you think I should do that.

As mentioned earlier, the problem with grin is not the lack of an easy-to-use GUI. The problem with Grin is its abundance of tx methods make it such that an easy-to-use GUI is not possible - at least, not until we finally standardize on slatepacks. In theory, that should happen as part of HF4. That would make it so there’s no need for addresses, and no need for Receive files & finalize files.

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@david i never mentioned that the Grin++ gui was bad at all. You suddenly mentioned grin++ in this topic.

You asked for improvements ( How can Grin++ be improved? ) So i am giving you a few possible improvement suggestions.

English is not my first language so i am trying my best to explain myself ( what i mean )in
the best possible way.

I will post this link here for further citation 360° roundabout on Beam UX (part 1) | by Sasha Abramovich | BEAM-MW | Medium

This is how you create a great UX/UI explained :call_me_hand:


I would say, focus on one of them in the UI and make the other ones available less prominently like “or copy message text to send manually” and “other methods”. Don’t overwhelm new users with too many choices, but allow advanced users to use the full spectrum.

The trick is not letting people think about transfer methods at al. E.g. the QR codes as suggested by @JustAResearcher would make transferring very easy, it does not even matter if slate-packs are send via QR codes or if the QR code contains a slatepack adress to send via TOR. I would make sending via TOR default, Chinese users can select an option to send slatepacks directly via QR codes.

QR codes is simple and universal…

If you have a camera

Hard to find a mobile phone without a camera nowedays.

I would not say hard:

I am open to any feedback for those who want to help: Grin++ (mobile) - Progress update thread by @davidtavarez