Community Council: Election for the 6th CC member!

Dear all, the voting is now officially closed!
The results are as follows:

Johndavies (retracted his candidacy) - 19 votes
Mokhtar - 13 votes
Cobragrin 6 votes

Votes by accounts created after the start of the election at April 11 were ignored.
As can be seen by the results, @johndavies24 would have won this election. Since he retracted his candidacy, the honor will go to @Mokhtar who got 13 votes.
:tada:Congratulations @Mokhtar, welcome to the team :grinning: :tada:

The Community Council will contact @Mokhtar to transfer @Paouky’s key to the Community Council wallet to him. Mokthar now has official voting rights for any decisions regarding the Communities funds.

We would like to thank all candidates for their participation and willingness to rise to the occasion. Your contributions to Grin as a project are noted and appreciated by the community as can be seen by the wide support for all of you. Have a magical night and enjoy the special lunar eclipse and blood moon if it is visible in your region :red_circle: :waxing_gibbous_moon: