Yeastplume - Progress update thread - Mar 19 to Sep 19

Update Friday June 28th, 2019
(Or Saturday if you want cause I forgot to hit ‘post’)

Building, verifying, lots of testing in anticipation of the 2.0.0 release, scheduled for Monday July 1st and from everything I can see it’s on track. Particular care was given to ensure that various combinations of node and wallet or wallet and wallet behave as expected, which in most cases means that the 2.0.0 wallet helpfully informs uses of what the problem is when it encounters an incompatibility. This mostly consists of outputting a message saying ‘your node/other person’s wallet’ is too old, so get it updated’, but at least this exercises all of the code meant to manage versioning going forwards.

Aside from this, a lot of thinking and discussion has be going on regarding the new RFC and governance processes, which has culminated in the creationg of the Grin RFC repository, which as of right this moment contains the most up-to date thinking on both processes. If you haven’t got involved in this and have opinions on how Grin is run and how changes are introduced, now would be the time to make your opinions known.

I hope we can start getting these processes implemented over the next couple of weeks. On the governance side I look very forward to subteams forming, which I very much hope will make planning new feature development much more open and inclusive. For instance, on the Wallet side it’s been very much a matter of me saying what goes in and what doesn’t, which I don’t think is healthy for long-term anything. I hope we can get a wallet subteam together where decisions are taken via consensus and with a much broader consideration of community needs.

Of course, all of this comes with a bit of a downside as well. I have several large features in my head at the moment that I want to see introduced into the wallet. Whereas before I would just have just started coding away, now I need to get RFCs together where I’ve already more or less figured out how I’d code it, as well as considered and documented all of the implications and effects of the changes. It’ll make the project more robust overall, but it is markedly slower. Still, given the stage the project is in and our recent transaction difficulties, it’s probably no bad thing to slow down feature development and make sure everything that goes in have been properly considered and debated.

I’ve started preparing an RFC for Full lifecycle support in the wallet API, which I hope to complete with a wallet subteam. There are 2 or 3 other potential RFCs I’ve been thinking about around making transactions a bit more friction free, but I’m not quite ready to talk about them just yet. But of course, these are just what’s in my head, and I hope to work with a new-formed wallet subteam to determine whether these changes are appropriate and desired.

That’s where I am for now, enjoy weekend!