Update Friday, June 7th, 2019
Apologies for missing last week’s update, but had quite a few things going on domestically that had me doing far more hospital runs (and other enjoyable activities) that I would strictly have liked, so it genuinely slipped my mind until about Tuesday morning, at which point I just thought I’d leave it until now. (All fine and over now, no worries).
Here’s what you may have missed (or probably didn’t miss, if you’re following Grin to the point where you’re read these updates as part of your Friday routine):
The major thing that went on over the past couple of weeks is the release (finally,) of 1.1.0. Much has been said about this already in all other channels, so I don’t need to repeat much here. It’s chock-full of new features, many of which I’ve been discussing here over the past several months and is generally good for you, so UPDATE NOW! (It’s shocking the number of people still running Grin 1.0.0)
Many small tweaks, updates, fixes and points of order going into the 1.1.0 to get it over the line. I won’t outline each and every one, but the PR history of grin-wallet is available should you feel the need to peruse them.
There was quite a lot of meeting, negotiating and organizing going on over the past couple of weeks as well, particularly with respect to the exact contents of 1.1.0, and more importantly the upcoming 2.0.0 hardfork release. The exact technical changes that were agreed there are captured in this PR, and the results there have found their way into all of the recent communications about the upcoming fork.
Since the HF is soon upon us and we want to be try to ensure there are as few moving parts as possible to keep track of, we also collectively decided to keep anything that’s non-Hardfork related out of the code until 2.0.0 is released. I personally believe this is necessary right now to try and ensure as smooth an upgrade for everyone as possible.
I’ve also done some further thinking on how the Grin project can possibly restructure itself to be more inclusive and less centralized moving forward. The current council have been discussing this topic as of late, and I’m not going to share anything specific right now, other than I hope we have a more specific proposal to discuss at the next Governance meeting (but no promises, this is all very much still brewing)
So all of that said, my priorities over the next couple of weeks are to do my part to help ensure everyone has smooth a transition to 2.0.0 as possible. The particular issues HF issues that we’ll be addressing should all now be labelled with the appropriate milestones in both repositories. I’m moving forward on my particular bits, everyone else is doing the same, and barring any unforeseen circumstances we should hopefully all arrive in smooth order.
That’s it for now, and hope to get back to you next week with a similarly optimistic outlook.