Update Friday, Feb 28th 2020
Happy leap year day’s eve! The past couple of weeks have been a lot of perfunctory work on the Grin Wallet 3.1.0 release, quite a bit of testing, and a quite a few messy merges directly into master to comply with a few upstream changes to Grin core dependencies. Nothing particularly earth shattering, all just necessary engineering work leading to what I hope is a solid release with a few decent new features.
The 3.1.0 release of the Node is looking in good shape as well, so we’ll likely tag and officially release both on Monday.
We should be starting to ramp up planning and activities for 4.0.0 at next week’s meeting but in the meantime I’ve also been plugging away getting a small library/framework project together that pulls in both node and wallet libs and runs them. That’s all fine and well, but In doing so I’ve found that it leads to a massive amount of redundancy in configuration and setup. This has given me some ideas about restructuring both projects, which we may get around to discussing either that meeting or the next.
Currently have builders in to support the ever changing needs of the Yeastbrood, so most of this has been done to the relaxing sound of a hammer drill on concrete. Enjoy the weekend, I know I will.