Why Grin/Mimblewimble

I took some time to write down some of the features and make a comparison table for Grin, Bitcoin and Monero. This is a starting point, let me know which elements we want to add. I know very little about the PoW comparisons which is why there is no item about it. Let’s fill it together so we have a point of reference for new people.

Why Grin


I think a guy called Coding Jesus wrote implemented monero in C#. I will share the link if I find it.

Is there a possibility to voluntary disclose the amounts in a personal wallet? Like if there is a need to prove solvency or something…

Yes; you could have the wallet sign a special message “these outputs total v in value” using the sum of all your outputs minus v*H as public key, Although such a feature is not yet implemented in any wallet…


The exchanges can also prove they own the coins without revealing the outputs.

Abstract—We reveal Revelio, a new privacy-preserving proof of
reserves protocol for Grin exchanges. By design, Revelio allows
the detection of collusion between exchanges while hiding the
identities of the outputs owned by the exchange in a larger
anonymity set of outputs.

Revelio: A MimbleWimble Proof of Reserves Protocol


Amazing work @oryhp, it is great to have it wrapped up in one place so nicely. Now let’s wait for local talents to turn it into an infographic!

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This is exactly what I would like to see from the community! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I’ll review the colors later :+1:

P.S. half of the data was provided by tromp so it became a joint work


Great job. Minor quibble: “Hides addresses” row is missing.


The stronger payment proofs entry is missing the closing parenthesis




Thanks for mentioning mistakes.

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Nitpick: hides addresses should be after hides amounts


I guess I spammed here with photos :smiley:
This should be the final edition I suppose!


Isn’t Monero more “forked” from Bytecoin than “cloned” from Bytecoin. To me cloned implies that they just took the project and didn’t change it.

It would be better to change the features section from vertical to horizontal and the coins section to vertical. It would be more readable

I would disagree only because the mouse (at least most of them) only has vertical scrolling support. If we put them horizontally, a lot of people would have a hard time scrolling to the right.

Maybe there should be a row “fraction of soft total supply in premine/instamine/devtax” where all 3 coins can report 0%.
It helps to distinguish these 3 coins from many others.

Can also add (in PoW section) “launch with optimzed miners” where only Grin gets a mark.


Yes you are right if you keep the same dimensions but opposite 5304x2001. I am talking about dimensions that fit full screen mode. But to be honest, the person who really cares will read it anyway :wink: And of course we thank the creators for the collected and useful information :grinning:

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I think bootstrapping a node speed can be a feature, assuming the same amounts of transactions.