Slean mining - mining Cuckatoo3x using low memory GPUs

At Grin Amsterdam last night, @Lolliedieb presented “Slean mining”, an approach that seems to make mining Cuckatoo3x on (relatively) low memory GPUs possible.

Link to relevant point in stream:

Money shot:

This another interesting development in the context of mining AT, following the recent discussion on ASICs for this algorithm.


Thanks Daniel for posting the link and the nice words :smiley:
Currently ruling out last issues in my stratum interface and one stability issue (that I only see on Nvidia, investigating that), but I am very confident that I can publish the running code so every one can test it out this week :slight_smile:


Did you end up posting the code for this? Is it also going to work on 2gb GPUs?

I am currently still debugging an 8G variant of this - unfortunately that takes longer then anticipated (what again was approx number of errors in 1k lines of code?)

The 4G is working and mining here in testbed, but its barely cost efficient when you can mine ar-29 on a 4G card, so wanted at least the 8G version to be ready or this 4G to be tweaked :wink:

There is a CPU variant of slean doing cuckoo-31 in 2G online at GitHub - Lolliedieb/cuckoo

On a GPU this would also work for cuckatoo, but its questionable how good or bad the performance would be - I am sure that would not be worth giving it a try ^^

Could it be possible to mine on a Gigabyte GTX 660 2GB GDDR5 Card. Forget about if it is efficient in costs of power, but I am running an older motherboard which can use this card. Like to try it. How can the slean mining be tested on a real mining pool or is just solo mining possible?