Pause GRIN Community Council - we need your opinion!

I agree that this is the right process, thanks for sharing. Let’s say it takes an hour (?), and let’s say we all follow the same process, that’s fine. All FRs require at least two weeks while we wait for the response, but in practice most of the time it takes 3-4 weeks to actually vote, but even in that situation we know in plenty of time that a vote will occur. Sometimes it even takes several days to collect the response and vote from the CC. What I am trying to say is that even though the signing process might take 1 hour, we are all aware with a good amount of time that a transaction must be signed, and we can schedule time in advance for that.

  • I suggest every member of the CC to schedule the time in advance because we all know well in advance when a transaction needs to be signed. If we did this, transactions would not take a day to complete.
  • I second that :point_up: and if a member cannot assist, at least, members must be available to initiate or sign any required transactions when a vote takes place.
  • I’m in favor of 1 meeting per month. Demand just one hour per month it is reasonable.
  • Agree.
  • I think there is no need to expand the members, but a groundkeeper can take the responsibility of managing the payments, something like this :point_down:

The situation is very simple: if no one assumes any responsibility of any kind, then there is no reason to exist. No one has explained why a transaction takes weeks or months to be made. Or why there are still pending commitments to fulfill. My guess is that I won’t get the answer. It’s not just about payment delays, that’s just one of the symptoms. It has not yet been established how, for example, the Farm Project will be managed, who will be responsible for it and what the process would be. I have been asking for months even for opinions and have not received any response. This PR: Added spending logs & transparency report of spending for 2022-Q1 and 2022-Q2 by cekickafa · Pull Request #12 · grincc/finance ( is not being taken care of. How Testnet miners’ power consumption will be covered is not defined, and how that process looks like, or how we are going to prove to the Community that these miners are used exclusively for the Testnet. Some members have not been able to take an hour to attend the meetings or have never suggested a single topic. None of this has anything to do with how transactions are signed.

The explanation of all of this is clear to me: there is not enough motivation to assume responsibilities.

I have no problem with anyone in particular, I appreciate and respect each of you, I am not assuming malice. I don’t want this disagreement with the CC to become something personal that could damage our relationship online and/or offline. I’m not trying to put the blame on anyone in particular, I think the burden of making this work falls on everyone, including me, that’s why I try to do everything I can.

I am not saying that the CC should take care of everything, that is not the role of the CC. the CC must guarantee the security of the keys and that the Community can use the funds as long as the spending guide is respected. CC should not be an obstacle, but a driving force.

I want to clarify something. I value good norms, one of them is: Reciprocity. Reciprocity enables people to achieve things they could not do on their own. By working together, people can achieve more than they would individually. Lack of reciprocity leads to frustration, dissatisfaction, conflict and eventually loss of trust. When two parties reach an agreement, both parties are expected to honor the agreement. The phrase: “a person who acts with decency” is used in some parts of Latin America to refer to someone who acts with empathy, who cares about the welfare of others. However, decency can also have different connotations depending on the language and country. I will keep this in mind the next time I use this word publicly.