Opposition to default coinswap

Coinswap doesn’t affect scalability. BP++ somewhat improves it, reducing rangeproof size by 38%, but has no effect on privacy.


@tromp so would it not be best then to implement both Coinswap and Bulletproofs++ at base layer.

That way we get maximum benefit.

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The coinswap implementation is being worked on as we speak.

For BP++ there is no great need to hurry.

Once it gets hardforked in,
the UTXO set will slowly migrate from having BP rangeproofs to having BP++ rangeproofs, as the former keep getting spent. In non-MW chains, you have to carry around the baggage of spent txos and their rangeproofs forever, so full nodes can verify the entire tx history.

In MW chains, only the utxos that never get spent, due to lost keys for instance, will remain stuck with the larger rangeproofs.


I think @i2pZ7812HTZV69 is asking if it is going to be hardcoded into the base layer as a mandatory default setting.

Some of us are concerned about tightly coupling this for various reasons while others think that it should be mandatory.

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What does it mean to “hardcode it into the base layer” ? This is completely invisible to the consensus layer.

We’re talking about wallet behaviour, which is entirely up to the wallet author. Some wallets will support coinswap, and some won’t. Those that do still need to have the user select an mwixnet to use and approve payment of mixing fees.


the coinswap code is part of the grin code repository. And when coinswap code needs to be updated, the grin network needs to be hardforked in order to accommodate that.

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No, cause:

Hardfork is needed for BP(++).


Coinswap is not part of grin’s node code, so it’s impossible for it to require a hardfork (only consensus changes require it and all consensus rules are in node project). grin-wallet/grin++ projects might decide to integrate coinswap in their wallets (default or not), but since wallets are just an abstraction over node’s functionality (to make blockchain more user friendly) their changes never require a hardfork.

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