Is there a backup of the Keybase chat?

Keybase is the primary channel for Grin’s development and governance discussions.

A year ago, Keybase has been acquired by Zoom, as the very last blog post by the Keybase team announced:

Initially, our single top priority is helping to make Zoom even more secure. There are no specific plans for the Keybase app yet. Ultimately Keybase’s future is in Zoom’s hands, and we’ll see where that takes us. Of course, if anything changes about Keybase’s availability, our users will get plenty of notice.

Since then, the code frequency on their Github repo hast dropped to negligible levels and it looks like most contributors have left the building.

There are multiple pages of open issues, most of them unanswered.

The public interest in Keybase seems to dwindle away too.

I wonder if anyone has a backup of the Keybase chat that can be publicly shared or if that is something that is possible to do with Keybase.

Since it looks like Keybase is not an active project anymore, I think there is a high risk that Zoom will pull the server plugs at some point in the future and the chat logs will be lost forever, besides of the Grin team having to find a new chat platform. Maybe they are kind enough to announce that long enough upfront, but I would not be too sure about that…

Is there an easy way to dump the entire chat log into a readable format and put it into a Github repo under the mimblewimble umbrella, so that the governance history and the valuable development discussion is permanently accessible and preserved?
Is that something that only the admin ( @quentinlesceller ) can do, or could anyone do it?


Important point, glad you brought it up. We should also backup the older gitter chat by the way, which chronicles the beginning of MW and Grin.

Per this issue:

The JSON format is already available via keybase chat api on the command line, but the resulting JSON could easily be converted to human-readable format …

I looked around their API docs Api - 1.0 - Intro | Keybase Docs but couldn’t find it, perhaps somebody else will?

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There is a keybase widget for the website.
Maybe this implementation can give some hints.
It is limited to 100 messages. Not sure how feasible it would be to page through everything and dump it into JSON and HTML, as well as saving all the attachments.