GrinHelper Suite - Bash Script Repository

GrinHelper Suite - Bash Script Repository

A Bash script repository to manage your local and remote Grin nodes, wallets, logs, …

Installation instructions

  1. Get yourself a clean Ubuntu or Debian (tested working on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS minimal)
  2. Run this command in a terminal
wget --no-check-certificate --quiet '' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && bash

This bash script manages your local Grin node.


This is what this script will do for you.

Automatic setup

  • Install Grin depencies: Clang-3.8, Rust 1.21, rustup
  • Install it’s own depencies: figlet, screen, jq
  • Install Grin
  • Autofix logfile size

Launcher and corresponding logviewer

  • Start detached Grin Wallet (Testnet1)
  • Start detached Grin Mining Node (Testnet1)
  • Start detached Grin Mining Node (Testnet2)
  • Start detached Grin Non-mining Node (Testnet1)


  • Check logfiles of Grin Wallet
  • Check logfiles of Grin Node

Show funds, transfers and stats

  • Show balance of local Grin wallet
  • Show outputs of local Grin wallet
  • Show sync & mining statsof local Grin Node

Monitoring, operations and update

  • Check which Grin processes are running
  • Check Grin Connectivity - Check if Grins ports are publicly reachable.
  • Stop Grin processes (Killall Grin processes, Kill Grin Wallet, Kill Grin Node)
  • Update GrindHelper
  • Update Grin (to latest version in master-branch.)


  • Small fixes for current master (e.g. missing/wrong entries grin.toml)
  • more to come

This script manages, monitors and aggregate status info from remote Grin nodes.


  • Check Sync & Mining Stats (at all remote nodes)
  • Check Outputs (at all remote nodes)
  • Check Balance (at all remote nodes)
  • Check Connectivity (off all remote nodes)
  • Update GrinHelper (on all remote nodes)
