Grin hasrate drop multi year lows

I do not stop mining - the point was that there are centralized big players in the network - just a fact.


Wouldn’t it dilute their influence if more people started mining? Which brings me back to my first question of “what is stopping us”?

Or do they have so much more influence that it wouldn’t even make a difference?

I am not to worried about a lower graph rate. The proportion of block subsidy to the value of transaction in grin stays the same. Meaning an attack is not anymore economically attractive now than it would be with a 10x higher difficulty and hash/graph rate. The whole principle of PoW is that intensives protect the chain since any attack would mean a certain waste of money and resources.

This only leaves the option for a 51% FUD attack, meaning there is the pure objective of causing fear in the market. 0.51*6000 = 3000 Graphs per second. Lets say this attacker would have a super low price for G1 chips of 100$, for a graph rate of 1.2, that would be 100$*3000/1.2 = 250,000$ for the hardware alone at least and then you still have the electricity cost. So a FUD attack would be quite costly.

Alternatively someone could rent GPU power for an attack, but we have :shield: [REF] which should start mining the other chain when an attack is registered making an attack both obvious and costly. I see the website is not online anymore @bladedoyle @Paouky. Is grin defender still online?


They are both absent since 2021.

GRIN is centralized and lower gps /security should worry Everybody related Grin.

You again assume attacker will be only economic incentives, not like states or others. This is wishful thinking and praying.

If there is no cartel or monopoly in GRIN (communities of large miners), then it is doomed.
The community is amorphous.
I no longer understand where GRIN is going and what it is for.

Some kind of pile of disparate proposals that lead to nothing.
Messages about high infolation are nonsense. Whatever the inflation, no one uses GRIN. This is an 8-lane expressway on which a horse-drawn cart travels

High inflation ensures that the only way the number goes up is by the number of users increasing.

The number of users only increases if Grin has good UX.

Good UX requires developers.

Developers require motivation (either monetary or ideological). Grin does not offer monetary motivation (outside of the CC rewarding or offering bounties) in these early days because of inflation, so the only motivation is ideological. The good thing is that Grin has the best ideas (values) out of any other project. It can’t be beat.

But the number of people motivated by virtuous ideas will inherently be small. Best we can do is stick together and encourage one another. Even 6 highly motivated individuals on a shared mission can change the world. It’s happened many times.

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now the entire capitalization of the coin is lower than the volume of donations that were sent to the GRIN community…


(I apologize to the OP for changing this to a price discussion thread)

What do you expect, @Markozzz ? Outside of pure speculation, there is very little real usage of crypto.

Even bitcoiners will admit that it is a solution seeking a problem. The bitcoin narrative changes so often because they’re still trying to find the real problem that they’re solving. Because as foundational money, Bitcoin isn’t it (There’s not enough of it and the emission was scammy).

Ultimately bitcoin is a solution for the problem of “I don’t have enough wealth”. But that is not the problem that Grin is a solution for.

we have to buy 1 or 10 (tally-ho) g1-miner(s) = 10 for solo, 1 for pools
we have to buy grins on 1 or 10% (tsdaka) of month returns
we have to…

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I saw the g1 miner can make $10 profit per day. Is that accurate? If so, you could just run that right? Would you make more if you hooked that one miner up to a pool?

What does “tsdaka” mean?

Good luck finding a G1, not made anymore with no plan for more, and very hard to source used as well.

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Man, that’s such a bummer. I see the G1 mini is still being sold, but it doesn’t look profitable at all…

Edit: I researched the g1 mini more and it actually seems like an awesome device. It was cool to see these two videos as well!

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hi, trab
not only g1, g1-mini too
“tsdaka” is jewish = % of income that we spend (not quite a regular verb) on donatations or support
grin is a social impotant project and we have to…

I saw the g1 mini is for sale on the ipollo site. Seemed in stock to me. iPollo G1 Mini – iPollo Store

Very few people have found a use for crypto outside of speculation. If you can find a real use for crypto though, you don’t need to think of it like “donations”.

Grin is perfectly positioned as a Layer 1 competitor to Bitcoin’s Layer 2 Lightning. Everyday transfers of smallish amounts of cash.

The small market cap is okay for a Venmo/Cashapp type use case. Fast (enough) interactive transactions, good (enough) privacy, enough coins for micro transactions, emission strategy that can support a stable price.

I think focusing on the product side of things can really help grin at this point.

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The mini also holds value very well. The floor price on ebay used is $300 unless there is an auction.

I got lucky sourcing 4 miners for $1086 and could recoup my costs quickly if I wanted to.

Don’t know any other ASICs besides the latest and greatest selling used for MSRP.


Seems like they’re selling it for $300 on the official iPollo website. Is that a scam website or something?

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Nah it’s legit, I do believe there is a $100 import tariff (correction: they charge $100 for S&H) on top for the US if you buy from Ipollo though.

I’m 50/50 on buying from @NeoGeo and ebay wins. <$300 miners aren’t that difficult to source.


Seems like a benefit of buying from iPollo is the support they provide if something goes wrong?

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Yes, but a used miner should be past the infant mortality part of the bathtub curve, and kept operational at optimal temps it’s unlikely to have issues

And iPollo charges $99 shipping for 1x G1-mini to US.
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