Came Across 1st Grin ASIC of the World

Finally, I borrowed one G1 miner a few days ago and tried it by myself, so I can share some updated info here :slight_smile: (Thanks Thomas to borrow this miner to me for a test!)

Took two shots on this G1 miner ~

The box dimension is about 44cm x 20cm x 35cm, it looks like a desktop computer. The box weight is about 20kg, including that attached power adapter. 4 big strong fans, 2 on each sides. The box is quite solid.

I connected this miner to a grin node to try mining, after less 24 hours, I got 3 blocks (819660, 820461, 820801) mined :grin:

20200809 13:24:27.998 DEBUG grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) sending block 819493 with id 1 to single worker
20200809 13:24:27.998 DEBUG grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) sending block 819493 with id 1 to stratum clients
20200809 13:24:30.856 INFO grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Got share at height 819493, hash b13185fb5af2, edge_bits 32, nonce 2822347394407211024, job_id 1, difficulty 23670/346750698, submitted by garyyu/001
20200809 13:24:33.213 INFO grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Got share at height 819493, hash cc8efaa0f499, edge_bits 32, nonce 11267890822336005302, job_id 1, difficulty 20504/346750698, submitted by garyyu/001
20200809 13:24:34.088 INFO grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Got share at height 819493, hash 28597ef96965, edge_bits 32, nonce 2822347394407211104, job_id 1, difficulty 103949/346750698, submitted by garyyu/001
20200809 13:24:34.395 INFO grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Got share at height 819493, hash 9d09f77d5d90, edge_bits 32, nonce 11267890822336005304, job_id 1, difficulty 26708/346750698, submitted by garyyu/001
20200809 13:24:34.732 INFO grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Got share at height 819493, hash 0fac411569d7, edge_bits 32, nonce 5322658827254272993, job_id 1, difficulty 267615/346750698, submitted by garyyu/001
20200809 13:24:35.832 INFO grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Got share at height 819493, hash 1cdae8850f53, edge_bits 32, nonce 11267890822336005336, job_id 1, difficulty 145357/346750698, submitted by garyyu/001
20200809 13:24:35.946 INFO grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Got share at height 819493, hash 442412a003f1, edge_bits 32, nonce 5322658827254272937, job_id 1, difficulty 61553/346750698, submitted by garyyu/001 
... ...
20200809 15:59:12.039 WARN grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Solution Found for block 819660, hash 000114ea9675 - Yay!!! Worker ID: 1, blocks found: 1, shares: 7306
20200810 05:21:13.935 WARN grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Solution Found for block 820461, hash 00018450ea14 - Yay!!! Worker ID: 4, blocks found: 1, shares: 10569
20200810 11:07:57.219 WARN grin_servers::mining::stratumserver - (Server ID: 0) Solution Found for block 820801, hash 00014082e010 - Yay!!! Worker ID: 0, blocks found: 1, shares: 1468

The related wallet display is as follows:

$ ~/release/grin-wallet/grin-wallet outputs

Wallet Outputs - Account 'default' - Block Height: 820835
 Output Commitment                                                   MMR Index  Block Height  Locked Until  Status   Coinbase?  # Confirms  Value         Tx 
 08f40b48224b889e5d8c193ee968259ffd473c207560c909b54695e4288b6a2060  None       819660        821100        Unspent  true       1176        60.000000000  0 
 0876d0816a2e10bc21b632ccc82afbcd102f54f95d72bb90f8b208dbcbd5c05946  None       820461        821901        Unspent  true       375         60.000000000  1 
 08406fd920a38f59bcdd4d5cc8f764d3deb9af22f0ba5214143fcee926056637a0  8024312    820801        822241        Unspent  true       35          60.001000000  2 

Command 'outputs' completed successfully

BTW, I tested it at my home, the big noise of the fan is a little bit annoying for the family, I have to limit the maximum fan speed to 30% for this test. I suppose the miner performance will be much better if let its fan work at maximum 100%.

For thanks and fun to read this post, I would like to share above mined 3 blocks award to people who request to be shared here :slight_smile: Please just leave here your wallet receiving address, I will send 10 GRINs for each request, until the total 180 GRINs has been completely sent out. (only one request per one forum user of course.)

( :sunny:Tip: About the detail info of this G1 miner, if interested, you can ask the manufacturer directly on next Grin governance meeting on Tuesday Aug 11 @ 15:00 UTC in Keybase main lobby, Thomas from Vidtoo & MicroComputer will join that meeting for some Q&A. Refer to the news here).