Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster hah.
I want to start by saying that I enjoy, and I am passionate about blockchains for what they fundamentally allow: “freedom of transaction.” That is to say, an “Open, Neutral, Decentralized, Borderless, censorship-resistant” conveyance of value from one party to another.
I fell in love with grin when I understood this value proposition, and what Grin offers the ecosystem by virtue of scalability. On top of that, add transactional privacy on base layer with amounts. Objectively, this is a “break-through,” and we should be excited about it. Admittedly, I feel a bit “late to the party,” as everyone has contributed so much, but my passion speaks.
I have over the months become dismayed about the fact there is so much contention over the vision of this opportunity.
What I aim to do is extend the dialogue regarding a feature many in this community desire, and one that would add conventional usability: Non-interactive transactions. This of course would not dismiss the opportunity for interactive (and all the future possibility it could entail); as I understand, interactive as “opt-in” maintains many of these benefits of interactive if implemented correctly.
I’m not asking for a rash judgment, or a mutiny of code/fork or anything of the sort.
I am asking that the voices of the many who feel disenfranchised in the process to be heard.
Let us as a community, of which each of us is a member, allow for a fair and robust analyses of the Non-interactive proposals’ merits. There are a few proposals which many feel have not been given the proper diligence in discussion, or “air time.”
Let’s do it.
With the community funding paradigm shifting, my desire would be we have all options on the table, fund a 3rd-party team of cryptographers (who may even improve it on simplicity, let a lone on security.)
I could be way off base, so please let your voice be heard. I want to stress that this is not to take away from any of the efforts of the “core” team, or any contributions yet-to-come that may deviate in vision. I do, however, believe it’s a valuable, necessary option for a blockchain that scales as a more-private, decentralized cryptocurrency. We are the community, and we owe it to the future to try.