Quick this week as I have to go bake a cake for a ungrateful yeastling:
As expected and anticipated, most of this week’s work had to do with integrating and testing all changes for the upcoming hard fork. The Final wallet PR had to do with enforcing the original rules as agreed, and ensuing that wallets will continue to operate normally pre-and-post fork.
Nowhere in particular to link the results just yet, but we managed to put together and perform a quick pre-Floonet-hardfork test. Everything mostly behaved as expected, I personally tested transaction during and after, ensured that transactions created before the fork can’t be applied post-fork, and that restore works. Looking good so far and we’ll see more on the real floonet fork in a couple of days.
Plenty of governance structure thinking and discussion, I’ve set up a new repository here with the proposed RFC structure, RFC0 and RFC1 which I hope we can nail down over the next few days.
Provided the floonet fork goes well and we can relax a bit, upcoming are a few issues I want to look at (https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin-wallet/issues/158 mostly). Intend to spend more time on getting the initial RFCs into shape, and also intend to create the first sample RFCs on the subject of the full wallet lifecycle API. Hopefully the act of doing that will give us a better idea of whether the template in RFC0000 as described is adequate.
Time for the ingratecake. Enjoy weekend!