Yeastplume - Progress update thread - April to June 2020

Update Friday, June 11th 2020

And with the last little decision made, the 4.0.0 wallet is ready for beta 2, and as far as I’m concerned right now it’s as feature complete as it’s going to be. Should be testing, fixes, documentation updates and detailed release notes from now until the release of 4.0.0. Some late changes to the Slatepack spec made sure that sender and recipients of a slatepack are always encrypted if an address is provided, which I think is going to make offline grinbox-like solutions that much easier.

Immediate plans for my intended focus post-hardfork release are in my funding request thread, so I won’t repeat them here. But before I get to them, will likely be trying to take whatever the current equivalent of a breather is over the next week or so, which I guess is one where you stay at home and try to reduce stress levels a bit (and just focus on testing, fixes, documentation updates and detailed release notes instead of worrying about the next big thing). I guess this is as good as any summer holidays are going to get right now.

Anyhow, everyone take care, and I encourage you to spend your summer holidays relaxing while rigorously testing Grin 4.0.0-beta.2!