GRIN mining and wallets on macOS

Greetings, new forum user. followed grin a while back and wrote an article at the time > The Wizard And Marvelous Dr. Maxwell | by Gigamesh | Medium


  1. Running macOS 15 Sequoia Mac mini M4 and thought it’d be fun to mine some GRIN. Is this doable? Or in a VM? Advice/links would be much appreciated. ( BTW Don’t care about profitability so much as getting it working)
  2. Recommended wallet for macOS? I’m happy using slatepacks, if relevant.


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If you are OK to use command line, then grin-wallet is a perfect choice: Releases · mimblewimble/grin-wallet · GitHub

Otherwise try GUI wallet called Grim: Grim - Cross-platform GUI for Grin


@gig Perhaps relevant for you, it is not released yet but some progress on mining on a M1 chip:

I assume on M4, you would get you much better hash/graph rate for mining than M1

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I’m ok with cli and used to use grin cli wallet. Curious about the gui tho … it’s kept up to date I assume? thanks

nice, i found this post but now see there’s progress here - i’ll keep digging. pun intended. thanks

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