March 5, 2025, 10:51am
Greetings, new forum user. followed grin a while back and wrote an article at the time > The Wizard And Marvelous Dr. Maxwell | by Gigamesh | Medium
Running macOS 15 Sequoia Mac mini M4 and thought it’d be fun to mine some GRIN. Is this doable? Or in a VM? Advice/links would be much appreciated. ( BTW Don’t care about profitability so much as getting it working)
Recommended wallet for macOS? I’m happy using slatepacks, if relevant.
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March 5, 2025, 11:40am
If you are OK to use command line, then grin-wallet is a perfect choice: Releases · mimblewimble/grin-wallet · GitHub
Otherwise try GUI wallet called Grim: Grim - Cross-platform GUI for Grin
@gig Perhaps relevant for you, it is not released yet but some progress on mining on a M1 chip:
This is an unserious offer. Not an official bounty, not from any dev or community fund, and not guaranteed by anyone including me.
I am casually, temporarily, offering 100 grin for an open source C32 grin miner that can run on an M1 Mac at anything greater than .02 Graphs per second.
No expectations of fulfillment, just throwing it out there for fun in case anyone is capable and bored.
I assume on M4, you would get you much better hash/graph rate for mining than M1
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March 5, 2025, 11:55am
I’m ok with cli and used to use grin cli wallet. Curious about the gui tho … it’s kept up to date I assume? thanks
March 5, 2025, 11:57am
nice, i found this post but now see there’s progress here - i’ll keep digging. pun intended. thanks
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