Fund Alternative: Another Split Fund Proposal

I woud definetly not start with this number, but build it over time. So basically if we go to any other system, do it gradually.
I do think we need change, not sure yet which system. In any case, for changes we need clear guidelines, templates for proposal, screening by a second pair of eyes for proposals ets.

Whether it is this proposal or:

For now any split fund proposal is a good idea, whether it is this one or the one from Trump. I think that whether Grin++ will have its own fund or if it will befunded by either or both the Rust council or the Community council, it would be good to have some funding alocated to Grin++ and possible UX trials that are more suited to be first tested and implemented in Grin++ than they would be in the Rust node and wallet implementation. For me I am neutral on whehter that has to go through as seperate Grin++ council or any other council. I think support will be there anyhow. Maybe for now two councils would be better, since three councils might devide the community to much.
On the long run I do think it would be good to slowly progress towards more strucutred application proces such the unified gran application platform.