Breaking Mimblewimble’s Privacy Model

I only see one subteam under grincoin.teams and that is node_dev indeed seems to be hidden.

Not sure why. But I can see it on my end:

We should figure out a way to link those channels as they are buried in sub teams… One suggestion was to have some kind of shortcut on the main channel to link all of those.

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Confirmed that it’s a private channel. The same goes for the other ones (wallet_dev is the only I am aware of)

This channel is definitely open to everyone. On your end you have to request access? I did not receive any notification.

I had to find a direct link to the channel in another chat in order to be able to open the window to request membership. The request was approved very quickly so I am not sure if somehow automated or not.

Why should I trust the Keybase client? I don’t see any way to compile it from source on their Github repository, which makes the project somewhat suspect to me, though I am using their identity-management service: