An open discussion on Non-interactive transactions

After having some discussions today on discord, I decided to write things up in a document in case anyone wants to read what I was trying to explain. Here’s one of the big tradeoffs that the current NITX proposals make (both David’s and Gary’s).

Trustless node sync. While it’s true that Mimblewimble has a weaker model than Bitcoin, it preserves these two properties. Proof of authentication is preserved because there cannot exist any state transition in the past for which a party that owns any input/output of the state transition did not inject their blinding factor into the kernel. Replay attacks are bad and should be addressed, but they don’t break this property as the owner signed the transition for the original transaction prior to replay.

A good explanation of this problem is also in the Introduction section of MingleJingle which addresses this problem but introduces many more tradeoffs.

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