As discussed in yesterday’s development meeting, we’re doing beta releases of 1.1.0 for community testing and feedback before doing the actual releases.
Major additions are:
Split wallet into separate component
Windows 10 Support
Dandelion ++ Implementation
Initial version of wallet V2 API
Builds of the 1.1.0 Beta 1 are now available here (unfortunately Windows needs to be built separately due to Travis CI issues):
It would be great to see as many people as possible give these a try, especially wallet developers for feedback on the new V2 API. Keep in mind that the focus on this release was getting the infrastructure for the V2 API in place, so there aren’t currently a huge number of additions from the existing V1 REST API (plenty to come in future releases).
Other things worth focusing on:
Upgrade experience
Interaction between current versions and earlier versions of wallet and server (1.1.0 wallet can still send to older wallets with the -v flag in the send command
you can downgrade the slate version by explicitly passing it as an argument with –slate version like this (assuming you want to send form a newer version to an old one)