Grin-Bitcoin Adaptor Signature Atomic Swap update thread

Update 2021/05/14-21

This last week has been a little less active.

Opened PRs for Succinct Atomic Swaps in:

Still need to work out some stray errors in the doctests for grin-wallet, but the main impl is functional.

Will be working on fixing those tests, and revisions suggested by reviewers of the PRs. So far, @tromp and @phyro have provided constructive feedback (thank you!)

The main change will likely be dropping the atomic IDs and associated filter in order to generate atomic nonces closer to generating blinding factors and signature nonces. I think the domain separation (adding the static prefix to the identifier) is still a good idea. It helps when a user restores a wallet, and forgets which atomic nonces they have already revealed.

A user would have no indication of atomic nonce reuse, and the prefix at least offers some mitigation (i.e. a user is unlikely to use keys with the atomic swap prefix for normal transactions). In the case of a wallet restore, they could recover UTXOs from the recovered wallet into a fresh wallet, before performing any more atomic swaps.

The atomic ID is also used to coordinate atomic swaps between the refund and main transaction. So, I will also need to figure out how to do the coordination with purely locally derived atomic nonces.

As always, thanks for reading.