First Grin Mask

Yes. We have completed the design.
Firstly, I would like to present Ignotus Peverell.

Completed in mask. However, there is currently need time for this mask.
I believe Grin will be successful, but I think he needs a little more time to make himself heard. Because, when we think about it in detail, most of the cryptocurrencies that have been popular until this time either started with ideal(ethereum) or low inflation , either had a limited supply or distributed half of their supply in the first few years (monero). Due to this, faster purchases were made in these cryptocurrencies. However, due to Grin’s fair structure, both its supply is unlimited and its inflation is high. 2 factors together. These may require a longer time than others for the Grin to be valued.
Let’s just put it this way, it started with high inflation in Bitcoin, but the supply was predictable. Even if it was bought 1 bitcoin with very high inflation, every 1 bitcoin we buy has a rate of 1/21.000.000. But Grin doesn’t have this. The rate of each Grin taken is 1/∞ Because supply is unlimited.
So, i think, if supply is unlimited, the only solution is to lower inflation.

Why did I tell you this?
Because there’s a great idea out here. This idea is called Grin.
For these reasons now, it’s a great idea, even if it’s still undervalued! I believe this with all my heart.

I think, also it’s great at making the mask of this great idea. But both of them need time.
Just as people are not interested in Grin for these reasons right now or at least let’s say they’re waiting, they also may not be interested in his mask for these reasons.
Therefore, it may make more sense to realize this idea over time. Then this idea will be unlocked. I will do this but even if I don’t do this, someone else will run this idea. I am 100% sure of that.